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From vandalism to ... more vandalism, here are the week's top State Press stories

Check out what you may have missed.

Michael Crow holds a student forum on the ASU West campus on Tuesday, April 5, 2016.
Michael Crow holds a student forum on the ASU West campus on Tuesday, April 5, 2016.

You made it. Another week is in the books and we're one more week closer to summer break. Take a few minutes to brush up on the week's most read stories and a few we think you'll enjoy.

Signs promoting Islam Awareness week torn down on Tempe campus

Photo by Rebecca Petersen | The State Press

This week, the Muslim Students Association planted signs around campus to promote Islam Awareness Week, a week-long event where ASU students can learn about Islam. After the signs were put up, club members reported a number of signs missing. Reporter Sydney Greene spoke with club members and learned more about how much money this is costing the association.

The gender tax on ASU campus

Photo by Mia Armstrong | The State Press

Inspired by a 2015 New York Department of Consumer Affairs report that showed the differences in gender pricing for consumer goods, columnist Mia Armstrong went to on-campus stores to see if there was a similar trend. As it turns out, on-campus markets do price products differently depending on what gender the product is marketed to.

Read more: The cause of gender differences

College relationships have become a turn-off

Photo by Grayce Whiting | The State Press

Are college relationships all they are cracked up to be? It depends on what your expectations are. Columnist Rachel Eroh explored the topic and shared her experience with the stress that comes with maintaining a relationship and why some people should consider taking things slowly.

Read more: Break yourself of bad relationship habits before you're stuck

'Trump 2016' written in chalk in various places surrounding W. P. Carey building

Photo by Jordan Neel | The State Press

An unknown vandal showed their support for a Trump presidency Monday, chalking the words, "Trump 2016" onto structures around the W.P. Carey School of Business. Reporter Sydney Greene spoke to students who saw the tagging before it was washed away and heard what they had to say.

Read more: Donald Trump protestors, supporters face off outside Fountain Hills rally

Stories we think you'll love:

Wi-Fi, tuition and a campus expansion: President Crow addresses student concerns at ASU's West campus

Photo by Alexis Egeland | The State Press

How often do you get to ask questions and voice your concerns directly to your university president? On Tuesday evening, ASU President Michael Crow visited the West campus and gave students that very opportunity. As reporter Alexis Egeland writes, one topic that was on students' minds was tuition increases.

Read more: Arizona Board of Regents approve tuition increases for 2016-17 school year

Real Dream Team sweeps Utah in TeSPA championship

Photo courtesy of Michael Udall

The Real Dream Team earned the title of "Best of the West" for collegiate Heroes of the Storm Saturday. Reporter Danica Barnett breaks down each match the team played and how the players are preparing for what's next.

Read more: ASU's Heroes of the Storm team ready for Dorm tournament

Estrella Jail inmates find a voice to tell their stories through Gammage's Journey Home program

Photo by Skylar Mason | The State Press

Female Estrella Jail inmates presented their capstone performances as a part of an arts program called, "Journey Home," which is provided through ASU Gammage. Reporter Skylar Mason went to the jail and learned more about the women and how this program is helping them rehabilitate and express themselves.

Read more: Artistic pursuits give inmates new perspective

Declutter your way to minimalism

Photo by Charlie Francis | The State Press

Sometimes its best to let things go — literally. The path to a less stressful and cluttered life might have a simple answer: get rid of a few things. Reporter Courtney Diddell wrote a guide for you on how you can get started as a minimalist and begin to declutter your life and living space.

Read more: Simplifying life's clutter

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