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Let there be light: Tempe USG, Tempe officials plan to add lighting around campus

A woman pays for parking in a dimly lit area outside the Galvin Playhouse on Monday, Oct. 5, 2015, on the Tempe campus.
A woman pays for parking in a dimly lit area outside the Galvin Playhouse on Monday, Oct. 5, 2015, on the Tempe campus.

ASU’s Tempe Undergraduate Student Government is trying to add more lighting around the Tempe campus to make the University safer. Tempe USG has been working with the city to facilitate these changes. 

Mackenzie Johnson, director of community and local affairs for Tempe USG, said she hoped the proposal will be ready in about a month. Since the lighting off-campus is mainly in Tempe’s jurisdiction, the funding would have to come out of the city’s budget, Johnson said.

“Students don’t feel safe around campus, especially near the student apartments,” she said. "There is dim lighting all around campus, and that comes as a worry to students at nighttime."

Tempe recently faced a frightening incident, prompting Tempe USG to take action, Johnson said. In early September, an 18-year-old ASU student was abducted and sexually abused. Incidents like this put students in fear, especially when there is lack of lighting. 

Johnson said Tempe USG is doing a survey and asking students where they believe there should be more lighting.

Tempe USG President Isaac Miller said the plan was one based on student input and feedback.

"We're currently working on getting input specifically where students want to see better lighting in Tempe," he said. "From there, we will bring the concern to members of Tempe City Council and work with them to improve those areas."

City of Tempe Spokesperson Nikki Ripley said the plan is part of a broader effort of the city and Tempe USG to work together toward a safer student environment.

"The Undergraduate Student Government and a few council members have talked about a few issues, the lighting being one of them," she said. "We are waiting to see where students want more lighting around campus, and we will go from there."

Business marketing sophomore Kelsey McGlone said she thinks there should be more lighting on Lemon Drive, just east of the Tempe campus.

“I live in the Vertex Apartments, and I don’t always feel safe walking home, especially late on a Friday night," she said. "There’s always parties going on since it’s a college town, people are drunk, and when it’s dark I feel very vulnerable.”

Health sciences sophomore Lindsay Valenti explained her struggles related to the feeling of safety around the Tempe campus.

“I walk everywhere. I rarely use my car because of the proximity of campus. When I have to walk alone at night I get nervous, especially if it’s kind of far," she said. "There aren’t a lot of lights near Adelphi (the sorority dorms) and I always take the back gate. I would feel a lot safer if it was brighter.”

Related Links:

Lighting around Adelphi Commons draws concerns after recent sexual assault

Guide to the news: How Tempe USG works

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