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The women's tennis program will be hosting the annual Thunderbirds Collegiate Invitational at the Whiteman Tennis Center today through Sunday. The event will feature competition in singles and doubles matches.

"Nine of the top 100 ranked kids will be here," ASU woman's tennis coach Sheila McInerney said.

Within the invitational, there will be a main draw of 32 singles as well as consolation play for first round losers.

All singles play will begin at 9:30 am. Singles semifinals will be played Saturday with the finals played on Sunday. There will also be a 16-team doubles draw beginning at 8:30 am. Sunday, the doubles will play both the semifinals and finals.

The schools competing include ASU, California, Kansas State, Northern Arizona, San Diego, Texas Tech, UNLV and Duke.

"Duke will be playing and they will probably have a preseason team ranking of one or two," McInerney said.

Most of the women on the ASU team will be competing in the event.

"We will have seven of our eight kids playing, so it will be almost everyone," McInerney said.

The invitational also marks the end of the fall semester. The team will not be playing again until January 17 at the Pac-10 indoors in Seattle, Washington.

"We're all excited since it's the last tournament of the season and we're playing at home," McInerney said.

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