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Fights, streaker, odd donations came with Monday Night Football

A security guard tackles an unidentified man who tried to streak the field at Sun Devil Stadium during a Monday Night Football game between the San Diego Chargers and the Miami Dolphins.

After getting into Sun Devil Stadium for free to see the Monday Night Football game between the San Diego Chargers and Miami Dolphins, frenzied fans kept ASU police on their toes.

Officers arrested 13 people Monday night on charges ranging from aggravated assault to indecent exposure, said Lt. John Sutton.

"We reached our saturation point. If more fights erupted, we may have had trouble handling them," he added.

Of those arrested, five were charged with aggravated assault after engaging in fights inside the stadium, Sutton said.

Economics senior Mike Coccaro attended the game and witnessed several fights in the stands.

"There would be a big commotion in one section of the stadium, then security guards would rush over and break up a fight," Coccaro said. "I saw at least four fights while I was there."

Officers were notified of fights through stadium security guards patrolling the stands, Sutton said. They then responded to the scene and attempted to arrest everyone involved in the fight.

"Sometimes only the main combatants were arrested because large numbers of people were indirectly involved," Sutton said.

In addition to the five people arrested on charges of aggravated assault, four people were detained on charges of trespassing after they reportedly jumped over barricades to get into the stadium, Sutton said. Two people were arrested on charges of disorderly conduct, and one on a misdemeanor assault charge.

The stadium erupted with noise when a man ran across the field in his underwear during the first half of the game. He subsequently was arrested on charges of indecent exposure.

While ASU police were managing patrons inside the stadium, Arizona Cardinals cheerleaders gathered donations from fans outside.

Fans gave approximately $220,000 and a number of odd items to California wildfire relief.

"The cheerleaders were given fake bills with pictures of George Bush and Saddam Hussein, fake $200 bills, pesos, Iraqi money, a can of Cherry Coke, an engagement ring and a television," said Arizona Cardinals spokeswoman Amber Kelley.

The television and engagement ring were placed in the stadium lost and found, Kelley said.

About 73,000 people attended the game, donating an average of about $3 per person.

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