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Opinions: Just Shoot Me

On Sept. 25, 2007, a new drug hit the mainstream market worldwide and it's bound to have disastrous effects. It is a drug that causes serious addiction and is actually sponsored by a major American company as well as various other corporations globally.

It's Microsoft's Halo 3, an addicting addition to the craze that has swept the nation as everywhere nerds and the obsessed turn to their crafty Microsoft Xbox 360's with their $60 controllers as they play on their high definition televisions (which they bought thinking about Halo) all while wearing their stupid, idiotic headsets, giving the common nerd the unfathomable and irrational ability to talk shit while playing a video game.

At first, hours and days will be lost. Hours and days lost to general amusement at the high quality, uncommon realism and interesting game play. This is the crucial stage. It is here, at this point, where the line is drawn. If you're not hypnotized by the graphics, then you're probably too dedicated on learning how to become the ultimate slayer, both leading to more usage. As you master the weapons you discover Xbox Live, and this is where obsession flourishes for the truly fanatic, mildly sedated Halo 3 doper as days become weeks, which soon become months.

Months lost so the trash talked on those stupid, idiotic headsets can somehow be legitimatized. Months lost perfecting the cyber kill.

Months lost not in dedication to a skill or art or even something like a craft, months lost to the obsession over an advanced form of Dungeons and Dragons.

And while Halo 3 is nothing like D and D, the concept is exactly the same.

Please, don't get me, or any of these warnings about Halo 3, wrong. I don't hate Halo, in fact, I like it and I understand its place and purpose. I grew up like any regular American boy: I shot ducks in the Nintendo classic, I killed monsters in Doom, and I sniped spies in 007.

Of course I never did wear one of those idiotic headsets (and I was a kid).

I know the onlooker thinks I don't get it — but I do. I recognize Madden and FIFA like they're my best friends' names, but even my best friends and I take a day off. And of course, on the chance that we do talk on the phone, we never, ever, wear headsets.

But if you are using Halo 3 like much of the nation, it is more than likely too late for you. You will be induced by the craze, then captivated by the 1080p HD resolution and quality, and then electrified by the kill. Next thing you know the sun's shining through your window and you can't be sure if it's actually 6 a.m. or 6 p.m. You realize, almost contently, that your last few nights and moments of any free time went to Halo, as you justify this by marking your improvement. It is here that you are lost to Halo 3.

Because after that you get into your car in complete ignorance and disregard of school, work or general health, and you buy one of those stupid, idiotic headsets.

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