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Bravo to the ASU gymnastics team for adding two coaches with Olympic pedigrees to their staff. Getting anyone with any experience at the highest level is a great start. However, it saddens us to see that the team is neglecting the true way to score gymnastics success — being 13-year-old Chinese girls.

Boo to the rash of armed robberies around the Tempe campus. If there’s anything we wouldn’t like to see compromised, it’s the feeling of safety in and around our classrooms, offices and residence halls. Thankfully, nobody has been hurt as of yet, and we hope the authorities are able to bring the culprit, or culprits, to justice soon so nobody will be.

Bravo to beer. With the economy slumping, it’s nice to see that one industry is still chugging along — or would it be chugging down — and trying to save us from recession one pint at a time … and one 12-pack at a time … and one keg at a time. In the immortal words of that Jamaican dude on those Red Stripe commercials, “Hooray beer!”

Boo to the word sustainability. We finally have a day in this paper with no articles discussing “green” causes — and it’s about damn time. We are so sick of the word, we’d like to write it down on 20,000 Styrofoam cups, load it up in a Hummer, drive an excessively long distance with not-so-efficient routes and then leave them under some trees to decompose (while somehow burning obscene amounts of plastic and sending the toxins into the atmosphere, of course). Oh, but still make sure to recycle your State Press.

Bravo to the new textbook-rental initiative from the Arizona Board of Regents. We were totally just starting to enjoy dropping a couple Benjamins per semester for books … but that’s cool, we guess we’ll still take the assistance. Even if the initiative only covers two books at the moment and stops short of being the solve-all answer to the larger problem, it’s about time somebody did something to help us students out with the excessive prices we’re forced to swallow.

Boo to the Heart Attack Grill. Though we love the honesty of their business practices, we just don’t really get into the whole concept of killing ourselves one burger at a time. Besides, field reports from within our staff tell us that their burgers are expensive and soaked in grease far beyond the acceptable limit for grease-to-burger ratio, making them “to die for” only in the most literal sense.

Bravo to the local tributes set up to honor the losses of Sept. 11, 2001. Seven years later, it was great to see flags still set up en masse at Tempe Beach Park, plentiful speakers and lecturers to remind us of the lessons learned that day and just a general somber sense of remembrance around campus and around the Valley. The wounds still might not have healed, but a day of respectful homage sure did help.

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