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Hey, you on the ledge of that building! Calm down for a second. We have something to talk about.

Nearly two weeks after the election, the results may have some of us up in arms. Barack Obama’s fans are eager to prove their man is right for the job and John McCain’s fans seem to have gone into some kind of hiding — Dick Cheney style.

But no matter which side of the aisle you fall on — that is, if you fall on either side at all — it’s safe to say that the election had Americans wound a little tight.

I’m going to ask something of you. If I turn out to be wrong, you can send me all of the nasty e-mails you’d like.

With all of the mudslinging this election — which surprisingly wasn’t really done by the candidates, but mostly their supporters — the rhetoric of your party and the other party may have gotten into your head as intended.

But the final votes have been counted and the presidency has been given to Obama. He is the new president, whether you voted him or someone else.

There’s a lot to feel good about when it comes to the outcome of this election.

I ask you to support Obama. And if you can’t find it in your heart or head to give support, at least give him a chance. Sit back for a couple years, Cynical Sally, and observe what Obama does. If you happen to agree with him, don’t be beyond admitting you were wrong.

I’m clearly an Obama supporter, and I have been since the beginning of the election. That’s not to say I’m afraid to retract my support. I’m not afraid to admit I was wrong. You shouldn’t be either.

Obama has made a lot of promises to the American people. He has already come up with the idea of using the Internet to reach out to the public — an admirable thing for the public figure in a democracy to do. (What do you mean? The people get a say? That’s right!)

The Bush administration has led to the hardening of the American political psyche. Government officials have become untouchable figureheads that rule with a green thumb (and not the positive kind). I understand people not willing to give another candidate a chance; after all, the public choosing to elect the least Bush-like candidate is what landed Obama in office. Bush had his chance at the presidency twice and failed both times.

But Obama promises change, and we’ll see if he lives up to that promise. Just as I’m not willing to say Obama will make a great president, I’m not willing to say he’ll make a horrible president. Why? Because he’s not the president yet, silly.

Obama has a lot riding on his shoulders. He’s the first black president. He’s the first young face the White House has seen in decades. He faces problems with the economy, terrorism and future problems we won’t know about until they happen. It’s a tough gig.

But speculation that Obama will be a horrible president before has his first day in office really irks me. At least give him the chance for change. If it’s a good or bad change, we’ll decide next election. If it’s an extremely bad change, may I remind you that we live in a democracy. The people reign supreme here; the main principle of our government that often takes a back seat to rhetoric and brainwashing. Impeachment is not out of the realm of possibility.

But it’s not yet time to discuss the impeachment of a president who has had no opportunity to prove himself. Give him at least two years before you leap off that ledge. Hop in your fallout shelter and turn on the boob tube to get your update on life with Obama in the world above.

And if you’re so upset about the outcome of this election, screaming and crying will get you nowhere. A plane ride will get you to other Westernized countries, though. I hear they have nice ledges in Canada.

On that note, I think spell check should learn the word “Obama” is not meant to be “Osama.” As always, tell me why I’m wrong at

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