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Anonymity at ASU can be as easy as just showing up. When you go to a University of more than 65,000 students, getting lost in the crowd is often unavoidable.

Giant parking structures, a slew of one-size-fits-all dorm rooms and the constant crush of students on campus walkways are overwhelming for even the bravest of upperclassmen.

But through The State Press, any student or faculty member has the opportunity for their voice to be heard. Whether by holding or attending an on-campus rally or event, writing a weekly column or penning a fiery letter to the editor, broadcasting your thoughts to the campus community often is as easy as writing them down.

The State Press is more discussion course than lecture, to borrow the college vernacular. At its best, news is meant to be a conversation.

So in an effort to get to know you better and have you get to know us, The State Press will have an “Ask the Editor” table out by the Memorial Union regularly this semester. So if you see us around, make sure to stop by and let us know how we could serve you, our audience, better.

And, nowadays, we have a lot more methods for keeping the conversation interesting. Every member of The State Press editorial board has a Twitter account, and breaking news and sports updates are sent through our official Twitters, @statepress and @statepresssport. We also have a Facebook account,

In the upcoming weeks, we will be rolling out a smartphone campaign, so you can get all your campus news on a Web-accessible cell phone. Gotta love technology.

We’ve rebranded our Web site from to the more recognizable, is coming into its own and Sun Devil Television is now State Press Television, with an emphasis on creating videos for our Web site.

Looking past the gizmos and gadgets, The State Press this semester is also going to have quality content on the subjects you care about. We pay the same technology fees, stand in the same Memorial Union lunch lines and wish it were still summer break just as much as you do.

We’re sitting in your classes, feeling the effects of University budget cuts and dodging the same kamikaze skateboarders by Old Main.

We’re rooting to get Stephen Colbert as our spring 2010 commencement speaker, like more than 3,570 of you ASU Facebook users. (And hey, since he’s not an elected official, the University will be able to give him an honorary degree).

This semester, we at The State Press will work harder than ever to be the source for ASU news, because this is our University, too.

So tweet, Facebook message, e-mail or call us, and we’ll do our best to make sure that at one of the largest universities in the nation, your voice gets heard.

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