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Boo to the Eggo waffle shortage. Kellogg Co. announced that interruptions at two of its four waffle-making plants have shut them down for undisclosed periods of time, according to The Associated Press. As a result, grocery store freezer shelves will be looking a little barer in the future. To be honest, we’d forgotten about the cardboard-y, delicious breakfast food of our youth, but now that we can’t have any, we’re feeling a little bit lost. It’s true, you don’t appreciate what you have until it’s gone. Whoever is causing this shortage, please, Leggo our Eggos.

Bravo to ASU being a contender for Google Street View. The University is in the running to have the campus featured online as part of Google Maps’ U.S. Street View Special Collections contest. With longstanding connections to Google, ASU is the perfect place to host the Google Street View Trike, the camera-equipped tricycle that captures images for the Web site. What can you do to get an interactive Street View of the University on Google? Vote (as many times as you like) at Check out Wednesday’s editorial at for ideas on spicing up the campus if (or dare we say, when?) the Trike makes its rounds here.

Bravo to Tempe politics getting interesting. State Sen. Meg Burton Cahill (D-Tempe) announced she will retire when her current term ends in 2010. Burton Cahill said she will continue to be involved in public service, but her retirement has effectively shaken up Tempe’s representation in the legislature. Current Tempe Rep. David Schapira said he plans to run for Burton Cahill’s seat, and Tempe City Councilman Ben Arredondo, a Republican, plans on switching parties and jumping into Schapira’s shoes, which could end up putting new faces in new places. We salute Burton Cahill for her service, but are also excited to see what could happen in the Legislature in the future. With all the problems Arizona has faced, shaking things up all around could do the state some good.

Boo crazy Twilight fans. “New Moon,” the next movie in the Twilight saga, opened Friday, leading to some pre-release hysteria. If you stood in line for more than an hour to see the film, don’t bother coming back to campus. We’re a little sick of seeing our Facebook news feeds populated by grammatically incorrect, illogical arguments surrounding the Edward-Jacob battle over Bella. Still, we have to give a shout out to Stephenie Meyer, author of the series, who grew up in the Valley. As much as we have to give her props for being USA Today’s Author of the Year in 2008, we’re a pro-Potter group here at The State Press and our allegiances will always lie with the boy wizard. So enjoy your 10-hour lines, Twihards, we’ll be chilling out in our living rooms watching a real saga on DVD.

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