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There are few things I enjoy more than going to the gym and working up a good, hard sweat. I’m not the type of girl to prance around in my Soffe shorts and adorn my most expensive earrings just in case a cute trainer happens to glance my way.

As I would assume the majority of athletes would, I anticipate respect and to be, for the most part, left alone when I’m at the gym. No offense to anyone, but I work hard, and that’s my hour and a half of relief.

So why am I steamed all of a sudden? Because that’s exactly what didn’t happen at the gym last night.

There I was, mid-workout, when a manager approached me. His relentless, hard-sale attitude cornered me, and I was caught off guard on the receiving end of a plea to spend more than $100.

I get it, times are hard — but let’s be honest, there’s a certain way to conduct yourself when it comes to running a business, and this, my friend, was not it — not mid leg press.

Case and point, an athlete, or a regular Joe body, such as myself, is at your gym to support you just as much as they anticipate support from you.

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