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Bravo to a short week and a happy Thanksgiving, which are definitely things to be thankful for. The long weekend gives us some desperately needed time to catch up on homework (OK, no one will actually do homework), and spend a few days in a turkey-induced tryptophan high. Or low, we never quite figured out how tryptophan works. The thought of a few class-free days has put us in a good mood all around. What could make our good mood better? How about booing a certain rival city to the south — twice.

Boo to Tucson — for its questionable odor, general characteristics and basic existence. Perhaps that’s a bit extreme … then again, considering it was nearly impossible to get off the highway in the city for about a year, maybe not. It’s not that we don’t think Tucson has a lot to contribute to our state (we don’t); it’s just that we’re surprised that anyone can tolerate being in the vicinity of the place. When the biggest claim to fame in your city is a slushy shop, it might be a good time to move out. Actually, when the city is Tucson, there was never a good time to move in.

Boo to UA fans’ post-game behavior. Following the Wildcats’ heartbreaking (for them) double-overtime loss to Oregon, the lingering crowd turned rowdy and began throwing projectiles toward the field of play, pelting members of the Ducks’ traveling party as they headed for the locker room. During this embarrassing display, an Oregon cheerleader was struck in the head by a full water bottle, knocking her unconscious and sending her to the hospital with a concussion. Granted, ASU fans would never be mistaken for extremely well-behaved scholars while at a game, but given last Saturday’s events, the mob mentality at UA games is more of a cause for concern. When playing the ’Cats, you should always expect to come out of a game victorious. But clearly you can’t expect to come out of a game conscious.

Bravo to pie, perhaps the most handy (and tasty) of all desserts. Not only is the number of pie choices endless (apple, pecan, chicken-pot, etc.), the practical applications are, too. What other dessert can you use as both an informational graphic and to figure out the circumference of a circle? That’s what we thought. If only the sugary-filling and flaky-crust qualities carried over to the mathematical functions, we would have been much happier to go to high school geometry on days other than March 14. Thank goodness Thanksgiving pie requires minimal math.

Brew-vo to Arizona finally passing budget legislation. Gov. Jan Brewer signed several bills into law this week, helping trim the $2 billion deficit by about $452 million. But don’t get too excited — the budget battle, despite raging since January, still isn’t over, and there is a lot left to be hashed out. It’s better for these bills to be late than never, but Arizona education has already seen a $144 million cut. So, yes, in many ways it’s a tough start to swallow, but at least it’s a start.

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