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Admonishing ads

I attended the ASU/UA game at Sun Devil Stadium on Saturday.

I am an ASU student and have been attending the ASU/UA game for at least 20 years. I am dismayed and disgusted by the overrun of advertising in the stadium. There is no scoreboard anymore; it’s been replaced by ads.

Want to “Mmmmmake Some Noise” at a clutch play? The Shamrock Farms cow will lead the way. It’s approaching offensive and disgusting.

I do remember when the ASU/UA game wasn’t awash in commercialization.

Does anyone else? Or have we lost the history?

Robert Gehl


Parking it

Allow me to educate you on one of the most contradictory things I have ever seen in my life. I’m talking about the parking meters that you see everywhere. As an off-campus student, I have to find one of the metered parking spots to park in each day. And there lies the problem.

You see, all of the meters that are relatively close to campus only allow for a time limit of one hour. Well, with classes being 50 minutes long at the minimum, it is impossible to have every minute of time that your car is parked at that particular meter accounted for. How, then, does it even carry a little bit of sense to charge me for time that I have to be in class for? Short of ducking out of class to go put change in the meter, which I don’t think anyone would advocate, the cars parked at that meter run the risk of being unfairly ticketed.

I understand that revenue generated from parking violations is a big source of income for the University, and there are meters on College Avenue that allow a time limit of 80 minutes, which helps a little, unless of course you have 75 minute long classes. But please, either reprogram the meters to allow us to actually pay responsibly for our time, or do not ticket me for time I cannot account for.

Ethan Anderson


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