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Stormy day reflects battle at quarterback

BREAKING AWAY: Redshirt sophomore running back James Morrison evades a defender during Saturday's scrimmage. (Photo by Aaron Lavinsky)
BREAKING AWAY: Redshirt sophomore running back James Morrison evades a defender during Saturday's scrimmage. (Photo by Aaron Lavinsky)

Two converging storms surrounded the Verde Dickey Center during ASU football’s Tuesday afternoon practice on a 115-degree day, forcing the local media out from the bubble, with its lights oscillating, and into the elements.

With the quarterback battle in full suspense, one could only wonder if another storm, from the hands and feet of junior Steven Threet and sophomore Brock Osweiler, was happening inside.

In the time that the media had to view practice, each quarterback had their moments. In team drills, which saw both quarterbacks take repetitions with the first unit, Threet avoided pressure by moving to his right and making an off-balance throw to the sideline that was caught by an ASU receiver 15 yards downfield.

Osweiler one-upped him, though, when he unleashed a high-velocity pass to junior transfer Mike Willie on a deep out-route, placing the ball in his shoulder just before the sideline and out of the reach of two converging defenders. While ASU coach Dennis Erickson did not comment Tuesday on the performance of his quarterbacks during Saturday’s scrimmage or the day’s practice, he did give his analysis of the film from Saturday.

“Defensively, we were all over the place,” Erickson said. “I would be frightened if they weren’t. That is the kind of team we are. We tackled very well. Offensively, there was some good execution and we will get better all the time.”

Run game spark

Redshirt sophomore James Morrison impressed on the ground Saturday. While Morrison’s numbers weren’t overly impressive, only 17 yards on seven carries, it was the style with which he ran that stood out — smashmouth.

“I tried to show a little more physicality between the tackles and get a lot of short yardage,” Morrison said. “Coach said we were lagging a little bit [in the scrimmage] and needed a little spark. There was one situation where coach called me in on a third [down] and one, even thought it wasn’t my role, just so we could get that yard.”

Freshman QB impressing

Erickson was impressed with the play of freshman quarterback Taylor Kelly, who is likely to redshirt this season.

“I like Taylor a lot,” Erickson said. “He proves to me what I thought when we decided to recruit him. He is smart, a very accurate passer, very athletic, a leader and he is everything that we thought.”

Kelly completed two of four passes for 12 yards, but also showed his skills as a runner, gaining 15 yards on five carries, mostly zone-read attempts.

Injury report

Freshman defensive lineman Lee Adams (knee) and sophomore defensive end Toa Tuitea (elbow), both sat out practice Tuesday, though coach Erickson believes they could return next week. Junior wide receiver Gerell Robinson continues to nurse a pulled hamstring, and was limited to portions of practice Tuesday, which has been the case much of the last two weeks.

“It’s frustrating for me and our team, and it is really frustrating for him because he worked so hard in the summertime,” Erickson said. “And obviously when he was out there [during camp] he was extremely good. We need him back. One thing about hamstrings, if you put him out there too soon, he can pull it again.”

“The Decision,” ASU style

Erickson was asked after practice if he planned to make a LeBron James-like announcement next Monday when he declares his starting quarterback.

“I’m thinking about it, but I’m not sure what channel they will put me on,” Erickson joked. “I don’t think there is anyone that will take me.”

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