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At first glance it appears the NCAA cracked down on Jim Calhoun and Connecticut for recruiting violations.

You know better.

Alas, it is the NCAA, and the cash cow is involved.

While the timing of the findings is a bit suspicious and the loss of a scholarship and recruiting visits will have some effect, the penalties were a slap on the wrist.

Why suspend Calhoun with the NCAA tournament right around the corner?

That, of course, is a rhetorical question. There was no way the NCAA would keep a relatively prominent program like UConn and its iconic coach away from the tournament — not when ratings are on the line.

So, suspend him next year when no one’s looking. Cover yourself by making the announcement now.

Much like when the NCAA failed to enforce its own by-laws in the Cam Newton pay-to-play scandal, we are forced to question the credibility of the association. And with the book “Death to the BCS” opening millions of peoples’ eyes to the corruption and mind-numbing absurdity of the bowl system, critical mass is nearing on anti-NCAA sentiment.

We need a new system.

There are surely enough rich visionaries out there to make it happen (hint hint, Mark Cuban).

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