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Letter: Prejudice begets more prejudice

In response to Meredith Walker’s Sept. 26 letter to the editor, “Islam: a not so peaceful religion.”


I could spend time pointing out all the flaws in Meredith's argument, but that would take up far more space than what is allowed. Suffice it to say that I'm rather ashamed to see one of my fellow students rattle off such ridiculous statements.

To be brief, I doubt that Ms. Walker would be comfortable with a similar attack on Christianity based on the actions of those who bomb abortion clinics. It's the same logic, of course, but it's a lot easier to vilify those spooky Muslims that live way out there. Besides, it's not like there are practitioners of Islam at home and abroad airing their disgust with the embassy attacks. Right?

Another point for Meredith to consider: You're following the exact same thought pattern as those you decry. Just like those protestors think the makers of the video represent the U.S., you think those protestors represent all of Islam. It's a parallel you should be aware of.

And please, drop the straw man.


Tanner Greene


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Read our Editorial Board's letter here. Read a collection of responses to Meredith Walker's Sept. 26 letter here.

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