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Llonging for llamas? These furry friends are now a pretty big deal

(Photo courtesy of 12 News)
(Photo courtesy of 12 News)

(Photo courtesy of 12 News) (Photo courtesy of 12 News)

An intense car chase will cause even the most credible of news organizations to send a frenzy of reporters to cover the story, using every resource or helicopter necessary.

On Thursday, two llamas escaped from an assistant living facility in Sun City, Arizona, sparking a zoo-themed chase that broadcasted the daring animals blocking traffic and avoiding lassos on live television.

The actions of these brave souls went viral, cementing their place in llama history as fearless warriors that stand for nothing but justice.

In honor of these new American heroes, here are five past llama legends that will always have a special place in our hearts.


We’ve all had days where we feel like Tina from “Napoleon Dynamite,” cooped up in a small patch of land where our sole purpose is to only eat food and breathe. This beautiful creature had to endure the brash carelessness of Napoleon and his colorful cast of friends and family throughout the 90-minute film. The least we can do is grant Tina her rightful place in the llama hall of fame.


(Photo courtesy of Walt Disney Pictures) (Photo courtesy of Walt Disney Pictures)

While technically more human than llama, the hero of Disney’s “The Emperor’s New Groove” had to adjust to life as this furry animal while on the run from an evil witch. He luckily had the ability to talk, which gave him an unfair advantage over other llamas on the run. Let's commend his ability to quickly learn to walk on four legs. I’d imagine it's trickier than it sounds.

Carl & Paul

The popular YouTube series, “Llamas In Hats,” showed the sadistic side of these camel relatives. Carl innocently murdered unsuspecting victims while Paul looked on in horror. And yet, the pair of llamas came off as lovable and fun, even when Carl had stabbed someone 37 times and didn't think twice about it.

The Llama Song


You either hated or loved this annoyingly catchy song, but it’s impossible to deny its influence on the culture and mass appeal of this beloved creature. While the animal in this track sings that it “was once a treehouse” and “lived in a cake,” I think we all know that he, or she, was simply just a llama.




The Sun City Llamas


Two llamas stepped foot onto a crowded city street of Sun City, Arizona. The rest was history. Has the world seen a more daring display of bravery and courage? The llamas dodged traffic like professional drivers and it seemed like they would never be caught. As animal control began to corner these animals, we all watched in awe, secretly rooting for these beautiful llamas to outrun their eminent captors. In our hearts, they made it to greener pastures, living their llama lives in peace forever.


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