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Transcript: Pursuing a triple major at ASU

Planning (Part 1)

Zach Van Arsdale: So how do you make it all work? How do you organize your life to fit all these? 

Delaney Shultz: Some people organize better than I do, but I would say Google Calendar is a big part of my life in scheduling all my classes out, putting in homework assignments, looking at the syllabus ahead of time and planning that out so I'm not surprised by any assignments. Making sure that you get ahead of work so you're not procrastinating and waiting until the last minute. I would say that those are really, really important and staying very good at being on top of whatever you're doing. So looking at what you have for your your whole day and your whole week ahead of time.  

Aaron LaCourse: You need to be as efficient as possible when you're trying to fit everything together. Just do everything early. You don't have to do your classwork early but you at least have to think about it and then figure out how much time do I think I need to spend on this. And then you can give yourself plus or minus 30 minutes or hour or whatever but as long as you at least know what the work entails then you can kind of say OK I'm alotting this time maybe a few days from now to study for this or to work on this. And that allows you to at least free up your brain for the moment. And in that moment then you can allocate your time toward something else.

Jared Briones: One thing that I definitely used to keep on track and just stay on schedule with everything is the first two years of college I always had a planner. So I was writing everything down. If I ever had free time like you could look at my planner and you could see random pages where I was like scheduling out the rest my week and then after that I realized I wanted to kind of build a more digital about it. So I know a lot people use Google Calendar, I kind of stay classic with just my calendar on the regular iPhone app, but for me that still works. I set reminders every single day of what I need to get done that day, or what things I should focus on for throughout the weekend. 

Delaney Shultz: Staying on top of emails is very important as well. If you're a business student because everybody communicates via email, your professors, if you're looking into internships so any companies, any other students it's all through email. So just staying on top of communication and scheduling is really, really important.  

Studying (Part 2) 

Jared Briones:  I think the very first thing that you need to do is know the type of person that you are and how you work. So for example for me I differ from a lot of people in terms that I'm a morning person, so I tend to study and I tend to do all my work in the morning rather than the afternoon. 

Delaney Shultz: So my study habits changed significantly since freshman year because I realized that I cannot B.S. assignments as well as I thought and it's just really important to not be that person who waits 'till last minute to get everything done.  

Aaron LaCourse:  Something else for me freshman year, I used it to kind of figure out my style of study. I figured out that I work best when I put a lot of time in one sitting into a certain topic and once I figured that out then you know setting time aside for certain things and solely dedicating my time toward those things at that time made all the difference in the world. And to be honest, allows me to sleep eight hours, nine hours a day and I prioritize that because you know you can do a handful, a couple days of like five hours, four hours, every now and then you have to do that, but you know for the long term grind, you know so to speak, you have to be sustainable, you know sustain yourself. You have to eat well you have to keep yourself balanced. 

Jared Briones: Obviously every single person is different and they can have their own schedule their own way to focus and to study. But I think it always comes down to the fact of figuring out the type of person that you are, how you work well, and then trying to utilize that and apply that within your schedule in school and just your work and study habits, basically.

What to Consider? (Part 3)

Delaney Shultz: I would say if you want to pursue a triple major it's all about intentionality. What you want to get out of it. Whatever you pursue whether it's double major or even a single major, quadruple major, think about the why. So just make sure that you're gonna be using what you're learning and that you're passionate about what you're learning because then you're never gonna apply it outside of your coursework if you're not passionate about it. I use Chinese and Spanish all the time, and I can definitely see myself using that in the supply chain environment after I graduate. So, I know that I'm going to be all using all three of those approaches, and I know that they're going to be part of my life. And so that's why I wanted to immerse myself in that experience and pursue my passions that way.  

Aaron LaCourse: From another perspective, to be honest, you don't need to have it. For me, it made sense because it matches everything that I really kind of wanted in a degree, but you know for some people maybe it doesn't make sense or maybe you want to graduate early. You need to evaluate your goals and where that triple major kind of fits, because to be honest I mean you can do great things with two majors with one major it really just depends on you and you have to figure that out yourself.  

Jared Briones: It really just comes down to really trying to understand the type of person that you are and what you want out of life. Obviously you should never just be a 100% on score 100% on social stuff, you should always find a balance, but you're the person that's going to ultimately define what that balance is gonna be. So like I said before obviously think about what's going to help you move forward with your career but don't just look at what you should do and really try and focus on what you feel passion about doing, what you see yourself being what you do ten years from now, because at the end of the day if you're not happy with the work that you're doing then you're not going to progress very far in your career so that's definitely key. Really understanding the type of person that you are and using your strengths for you and just do your best to, get that opportunity, get that edge up in life I guess. 

Applicability (Part 4)

Aaron LaCourse: Is having a triple major applicable to job searches and is it worthwhile? I think yes, and I will say that because when I explain to people, I'm currently in the job search for full-time, and when I explain it to people that you know in your 30 second commercial you're supposed to say like this is you know I'm studying xyz and saying that you have three majors that's immediately something that especially within you know like career fairs, that very short time that people have to kind of remember you. Having that differentiator, because not that many people do have triple majors but having that differentiator definitely sets you apart from other people in this really ever... It's harder you know nowadays to get to differentiate yourself, everybody's doing clubs, everybody's got sports, everybody's doing school so you have to have something else outside of that and that definitely helps.

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