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This week's horoscope geared towards ASU students and academic life


For all of our astrology lovers, The Echo is diving into how the stars align each week. 

As the semester hits its stride and the sun arrives in Virgo, take comfort in the guidance of this week's horoscope. 

Aries (March 21 - April 19)  

This week is the time to take a break and unwind. You have put in effort and worked hard to be where you are currently, and that will not stop any time soon. Success is on its way, so don't have any anxiety pertaining to performance. It’s time to acknowledge what you have accomplished in your academic career and focus on gaining energy back to achieve more. 

With the sun in Virgo, be weary of how some of your routines may restrict you from doing the things you truly value in life. Evaluate what you’re doing this week and determine if it will lead you to your goals in and outside the classroom. 

Tarot card of the week: The Six of Wands (Success and Acknowledgement) 

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)    

This week, you might feel that someone is keeping information and not sharing it with you. You will feel unreliable to the people around you and may feel a sense of helplessness. Use this week to reflect; you might find that the person keeping secrets is you. Allow yourself to share with others even if you feel it is unimportant. Communication in relationships is critical to understanding one another and getting comfortable.  

The sun in Virgo might leave you feeling detached from your friendships and relationships. You may feel these people don't understand what you are going through, or it may be the other way around. You must adjust your thinking at this time to allow you to be content with the meaningful connections you have made so far this semester.  

Tarot card of the week: The Page of Cups (Uplifting and Encouraging)   

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)    

This week, allow yourself to dive deep into your career and academics. This is the right time to get your future together and think about the plan you will follow to get there. Devise a plan and stick to it even when it feels unnecessary. It is better to over-plan than it is to shrug it off.  

The sun in Virgo will make you feel at odds with your relationships. You’ve been spending some time exploring college and campus life, but someone might not feel college is the right fit for you. This week, have a discussion so they can understand why you chose to further your career and how this is helping you rather than hurting you.  

Tarot card of the week: The Seven of Pentacles (Patience and Growth)  

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)    

This week, you will observe that your newfound close friends are expanding into a bigger group of individuals. This makes you feel more confident in yourself and your ability to adapt to new situations. You have been lucky to find people who share interests with you, maybe in a career or even a personal interest, so embrace the new and acknowledge the additions to your life. 

The sun in Virgo will cause arguments with someone in authority like a professor, parent or even employer. They might want you to adjust for their sake, but remind them you are in the same boat as them. Adjusting to college life is not linear, and it is still tricky no matter how long you have been in college. Voice your concerns, and you will reach common ground.

Tarot card of the week: Ten of Cups (Fulfillment and Understanding)

Leo (July 23 - Aug. 22)     

This week, you will find yourself leaning into adulthood. Finding a career path you are happy with has been challenging, but now you are excited about learning everything about the field. You are finally finding your place in the world and trying to manage time for your personal goals. Everything seems to be falling into place. 

The sun in Virgo will make it easy for an impulse decision or purchase these next few days. It may be hard to refrain, but remember your long-term plans and how you put them in place to help you in your future. 

Tarot card of the week: King of Wands (Passion and Enthusiasm)  

Virgo (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22)    

This week has been challenging as you try to make a decision. Having too many opportunities and options may be overwhelming, especially regarding relationships in college. Stay committed to the people you wish to get to know better, and if they don’t seem like a good fit for your life, there is no need to string them along for the ride. 

The sun in Virgo might cause you to doubt your confidence. If you’re waiting to feel confident again, act, and don’t wait for it to come to you. The sooner you do, the better you will feel. 

Tarot card of the week: Nine of Swords (Anxious and Worry) 

Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22)    

This week, acknowledge your personal relationships with the people around you. You tend to be too polite to people who don’t reciprocate that energy, so now is the time to speak up for yourself and your feelings. You do not like confrontation, but it is essential to learn people's intentions. If they feel the same way or can compromise, then you know these people are worth sticking with.  

The sun will appear in Virgo, giving you clairvoyance and the ability to carve out time to do the things you enjoy. It is important to find your identity outside of college and focus on the things that spark joy. 

 Tarot card of the week: The Queen of Wands (Instinct and Focus) 

Scorpio (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21)  

This week, be spontaneous and be open to new opportunities that weren’t there before. You’re in an excellent position to start a new chapter and become a better student and person overall. Expect the unexpected and be ready because it may come sooner than you think.  

The sun in Virgo is causing conflict with a friend. You may believe they are on a path that will harm themselves or others in the long run. You might feel it’s necessary to say something to this person, and they might tell you why they think their way is right for them. Stray from speaking your mind in this regard, as your attempt may be hurtful. 

Tarot card of the week: Three of Wands (Venture and Optimism)  

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21)    

This week, you will find that you need to aid your campus. It’s impossible for you to sit back and not make a change for the better. Being hands-on will allow you to make significant changes and meet like-minded people along the way. 

The sun in Virgo may cause you to feel frustrated that your voice is not being heard on these issues. It is hard to be seen, but if you stay consistent and allow yourself to contain your emotions and feelings about the matter, you will soon see change.  

Tarot card of the week: Two of Swords (Mediation and Indecisiveness)  

Capricorn (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19)    

This week, you are taking charge of what's to come. You love planning for the future, especially relating to your academics and potential field of work. This is a great week to invest your time and energy into something concrete. This planning will act as a manifestation and allow your hopes and dreams into a reality.  

The sun in Virgo may cause you to butt heads with people trying to do the same as you. Instead of focusing on how you can be better than them, try seeing if there is a middle ground where you can help each other. No need to worry about others when you have a plan. 

Tarot card of the week: Ace of Pentacles (Luck and Success) 

Aquarius (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18)  

This week, you will seek attention from your friends and loved ones. Seeing them less due to college may get to you, leaving you to seek normality in your life. Just remember, people have their own lives as well, and they may not be able to be there for you the second you call on them. Do not resort to potentially lashing out. Just remind yourself that we evolve and grow. 

The sun in Virgo will make you more carefree, so be cautious when doing anything financial or something that usually takes deep consideration. Miscommunication in this regard can lead to great mistakes, so double-check yourself before you go through with something. 

Tarot card of the week: King of Cups (Balance and Devotion) 

Pisces (Feb. 19 - March 20)    

This week, if you find a loved one needing advice or a shoulder to lean on, offer your help. You might feel you aren’t the right person to listen to others because you are having issues and problems of your own. Remind yourself that the people around you have supported you on your new journey into college, and this is the time you can finally return the favor.  

The sun in Virgo might force you into a miscommunication of sorts with your connections. It is important to clear the wrongs and ensure you are being genuine towards the people who mean the most to you now.  

Tarot card of the week: Eight of Wands (Action and Communication)  

Editor's Note: The dates for the star signs are from Ten Thousand Villages.

Edited by Claire van Doren, Walker Smith and Caera Learmonth.

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