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USG-T election results released after delay

Mason DoVico has been elected as USG-T president after a week-long delay in results


Along with the executive ticket, results for senator and elections commissioner positions were announced.

Mason DoVico, a junior studying political science and business, was elected as USG-T president Monday after results were delayed from April 1 due to "several complaint and appeal challenges," according to Jackson Bush, the USG-T elections commissioner.

DoVico's ticket won with 60.55% of the vote. On the DoVico ticket, D'lijah (DJ) Jones won as vice president of service and Maggie Ranft won as vice president of policy.

The Misra ticket had the second-highest vote share with about 18% of the vote, which was followed by the Gangumalla and Vaishya tickets at about 11% and 10%, respectively.

"I want to start by saying how grateful and humbled we are for this opportunity to serve ASU Tempe," DoVico said. "I am also equally honored to be the first openly gay, Latino student body president of not only ASU but of any major university in the state of Arizona."

READ MORE: USG senators attempt to reform election code weeks into election process

In regards to the USG-T executive ticket's plans for the start of next semester, they intend to implement monthly "presidents meetings" so that clubs and organizations can have an open dialogue with the ticket and understand how they will be funded.

Along with the executive ticket, results for senator and elections commissioner positions were announced.

Ishita Bansal and Megha Shetty will be the assistant elections commissioners for USG-T.

Farhan Babur, Ryan Bailey, Amaani Singh and Jayda Kantor will be the senators for Barrett, the Honors College.

Grace Reiter ran uncontested for The College of Global Futures but has not officially been announced as the winner.

USG-T has not released the official results for The Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts Senate seats.

Svar Ajwani, Satyam, Aydin-Kane Vo, Atharv Kabra, Prathyush Vasa, Ayush Suni Shejwal, Ivan Hornung, Jack Lowe, Vedang Modhandes Alle and Alex Miyamoto will be the senators for The Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering.

USG-T has not released the official results for Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College Senate seats.

Ariel Feffer, Hailey Boiarsky, Rohn Ragland, Kaitlyn Tam, Olivia Braymiller, Gracie Smith, Max Liberman, Mia Peterson, Mia Phielipp, Naomi Denk, James Driscoll and Ashlyn Germanos will be the senators for The College of Liberal Arts & Sciences.

Ryan Reflogal, Rishik Chaudhary, Dominic Bader, Hayden Darst, Jake Crosby, Jacob Voegtle, Luke Magnotto, Joe Starace and Rhains Enevoldsen will be the senators for The W.P. Carey School of Business

Edited by Grey Gartin, Alysa Horton and Caera Learmonth.

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Natalia JarrettDigital Producer

Natalia is a sophomore studying journalism and mass communication. This is her third semester with The State Press. She has also worked as a politics reporter.

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