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The State Press

Potty mouths in public

Unique conversations occur in public restrooms. Perhaps it is only a female phenomenon, but people say things in a restroom that you would never expect to hear.


The State Press

Making capitalism better

My friend Jake graduated from ASU two semesters ago, and after a short while got a steady-paying job at APS, the local power-supply company.


The State Press

Editorial: Caught in a web

Over the weekend, as the infamous state budget cuts were making their way from being a shameful and destructive idea, to being a shameful and destructive bill, a moment of levity appeared out of the b


The State Press

Stimulating family planning with $87 million

In this economic climate, you would think that our congressional representatives in Washington, D.C., could find somewhere in the $819 billion House package to give people what they really need.


The State Press

A recovering nation: Bush, Bush, go away

If you have paid attention to the opinion pages of some of the popular (i.e., larger) newspapers during the week preceding the inauguration and the days that followed, something should have been painf




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