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Satire: Eagerton on ASU

An SPM satirist takes a trip in time to trace the roots of ASU's campuses and explore the University's impact on civilization itself.



Satire: Revamping the Binary

SPM's resident satirist questions recent movements to dismantle gender norms: "If we change the gender binary, how will I make assumptions about people?"


Chatting GPT — SPM Automation Issue

Satire: Chatting GPT

Who's funnier, ChatGPT or a SPM's resident satirist? We conduct a highly scientific experiment — which was not at all an impromptu procrastination technique — to find out, and the result may shock you!



Satire: How to talk to a Hawaiian

Learn how to properly speak to a Hawaiian by following these tips: don't freak out, take a hint, don't assume, don't ask stupid questions, avoid oversharing, do some research and watch your language.




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