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Memorial Union urinals

Entrepreneurship junior sees conservation opportunity in Memorial Union urinals

Entrepreneurship junior Jared Greenberg is saving the university 2.5 million gallons of water over the course of 10 years and 250,000 gallons per year by simply replacing eight urinals inside the MU. The idea started when Greenberg found out that ASU has a major water conservation issue. This did not come as a surprise to Greenberg because California is in a drought and Arizona is located in the desert with very little water resources.



ASU K-Pop cover group takes over Internet

If you see a group clad in black and dancing in near-perfect sync to Korean pop music (K-Pop), chances are you’ve experienced the unquestionably uniqueness of Nyx first hand. The three ASU students who make up the group, senior Heather Vaughn, sophomore Isabel Hernandez, and sophomore Baily Alka, capture a unique part of Korean culture — K-Pop — through an equally unique form — YouTube videos.




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