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Now that we've all heard ASU President Michael Crow's big plans for change at the University, ASU students have been wondering what will happen to their little niche at ASU. I wonder what will happen to the newspaper I've worked at for the better part of the past four years.

Will The State Press have bureaus on each campus? In 10 years, will the newspaper even come out on paper anymore? Or will students receive it digitally on compact bendable displays that are a lot easier to hide from professors when they read it in class?

The newsroom will probably (hopefully) move out of this asbestos-laced basement, but the spirit and journalism of the people who've worked here over the years will remain. Below are just a few of the people who will forever populate my memories of the dungeon as I take them with me wherever I go.

Noah Austin, you are truly the best managing editor I've ever worked with. And I've worked with a lot. I even was one once. And you're way better than I was. Trust me. Thanks for editing superbly, making deadline promptly and gladly doing more than your fair share. And also for your in-depth story earlier this semester -- be proud to know that you inspired change.

Mike Miklofsky and Amanda Myers, you ran your desk with professionalism and precise editing. You inspired reporters to be better journalists and really cared about getting the best stories into the paper.

Tim Agne, you were born to be an opinion editor. From resurrecting Talk Back to creating a bonanza on the opinion pages when major news stories called for it, you've managed to retain your sense of sanity and humor in a job that makes most editors crack. Thanks for being the best of what hair bands sing about.

Christopher Drexel, my little brother. From our contentious discussions about football and news at Dobson High School, I've watched your meteoric rise at The State Press. You've done the job of two people this semester with an unrelenting passion for it all.

Lynh Bui and Erika Wurst, thanks for all your hard work on SPM. The features you've added are compelling, and your story ideas have been inspired.

Ben Honingford, you're the fastest front-page designer I know. I've been so grateful to be able to work with you and everyone in production this year. Thanks to Ben, Lori, Kriste and Katie for being flexible and for helping me laugh at myself when the daily grind got me down.

Thanks to our adviser, Kristin Gilger, for critiques of the paper that help us toward being better journalists.

And to the reporters, copy editors, sportswriters, columnists, photographers and cartoonists, this paper wouldn't be what it was without you. It's your hard work that made The State Press great this year. I'm thankful for each and every one of you.

-- Sara Thorson

EiC, 2003-2004

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