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Hailing a greener ride

SEEING GREEN: Senior Drew Nelson stands next to his Green Cab Tuesday afternoon in Scottsdale.

Four ASU students will launch a new taxicab service Thursday that may save you money while saving the environment at the same time.

The company, Green Taxi Cab, will introduce Arizona's first all-hybrid taxicabs to the community around 2 p.m., said Calvin Bovee, vice president of finance.

Green Taxi Cab has two Toyota Priuses, which are smaller than traditional taxis but provide nearly the same amount of headroom, legroom and safety, Bovee said.

Green Taxi Cab president Drew Nelson said he got the idea for the company nearly a year ago when he visited New York.

"There were all these taxicabs, and we couldn't find one using hybrid technology," Nelson said. "I thought, 'Let's research this and put a grant together.' "

Along with Bovee, Nelson partnered with nonprofit leadership and management junior Jenna Schaefer and journalism junior Jonathan Cooper, a former writer at The State Press.

A grant from the Edson Student Entrepreneur Initiative at ASU jump started the company, Nelson added.

The Edson Center granted Green Cab $7,500, said John Snodgrass, the Edson Center's director.

"I think they've made a lot of progress," Snodgrass said. "A big part of the Edson program is moving from a concept to a bonafide business."

The students have also partnered up with, an organization that helps reduce and offset carbon emissions.

But the Green Taxi Cab partners hope to do more than just reduce greenhouse gas emissions, according to their Web site,

Nelson, a supply chain management senior, said he and the other partners are planning to plant 10 trees in the area for every Toyota Prius on their fleet each year.

Because they have two cars this year, they will begin their venture by planting 20 trees.

The hybrid taxicab service is also hoping to help customers save their dollars, Nelson said, with some of the most affordable rates in the Valley.

And fellow students can save more money with Green Taxi Cab, as the company will offer a student discount on every ride, he added.

Nelson said the company also offers a frequent rider program to serve their most loyal customers.

"For the same rate of the major cab companies in the Valley, they not only get a nicer cab ride in our new cars, but they also get the satisfaction of doing something positive for their environment," said Bovee, a management junior.

Nelson said he hopes to build his fleet to 100 cabs and start branching out to other areas along the West Coast.

"The last two years, businesses have started to change and realize to go green," Nelson said. "Some businesses aren't going to change, but we are trying to challenge the status quo."

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