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Whatever happened to Disney Channel original sports movies?

They use to be so awesome.

Films like “H-E Double Hockey Sticks,” “The Luck of the Irish,” “Alley Cats Strike” and  “Brink!” were classics.

Now all you see is 25-year-old adults pretending to be in high school and lip-syncing to awful songs.

And no matter how geeky Disney tries to make the hot girl look, she’s still hot.

Nobody is buying that she doesn’t have any friends.

But back to my original point.

Those once a month movies were must-see TV in my household.

Maybe the next generation of kids likes different things, but what happened?

One day I was watching Brink squeak out a narrow win on the downhill race for the soul skaters and the next day came Zac Efron.

I blame him for the demise of the Disney Channel.

He built the bridge between amazing sports movie to crappy musical by luring in an audience with the promise of basketball.

It was all downhill from there.

Once girls began liking High School Musical, every boy with a crush had to follow suit.

I hate to sound like an old man, but really, back in my day, things were a lot better.

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