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Letters: Nov. 18


(In response to Page Gerrick’s Nov. 15 column, “Iran’s nukes: wars, sanctions, diplomacy or Ron Paul?”)

Ron Paul is not indifferent to the suffering of others. He is precisely pointing out how our very policies turn out to be a cause of even more suffering rather than a solution.

We end up supporting dictators and corrupt regimes. Then we wonder why we earn ill will from the people of those countries. What Ron Paul is trying to tell us is that if we did not do that to begin with, we would not be in the mess we’re in.

Afghanistan? That isn’t the War on Terror — it’s about the War on Drugs and our Drug Prohibition policies.

How do you think the Taliban gets its funding? Why were they fighting over a poppy field at Marjah? Do we really believe the war propaganda that it is about religious zealotry? How about a more mundane reason: defending their cash crop!

We need to wake up and stop believing the fantasies that our statist news media keeps feeding us.

Why do you think our own troops overwhelmingly support Ron Paul? You think they might know a thing or two?


Jose Mora reader




This is outright false reporting. The IAEA’s report stated they have no evidence whether Iran’s using their nuclear capabilities (which the United States gave them) for power or weapons.

If an agency said there was no evidence to confirm or deny an alien invasion would you call for the destruction of Mars?

You people make me sick.


David Petty reader

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