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The State Press

Arizona needs to fund its ‘Gateways’

Dwindling budgets from the state and elsewhere are being felt by the Maricopa Community College system. Now is no time to turn our back on people who want to refine their skills or learn a new craft that can immediately serve the local population.


The State Press

Netflix and the new world

Netflix and other online video streaming companies make it too easy for society to be passive instead of active in its relationship with culture.


The State Press

Prop 107’s affirmative reaction

With the passing of Proposition 107, Arizona’s voters effectively placed a ban on affirmative action. It’s clear Arizonans are against any special privileges given to anyone, solely based on race.


The State Press

Metaphorical security zombies on the brain

The image of millions of Americans waiting in line, impatient, and ill tempered; distracted by their technologies and media; poked and prodded by external forces; safer, arguably, but less free — this is a metaphor for something.




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