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The State Press

Shooting down the Second Amendment

Gun control does not determine how many bad guys obtain guns. It only determines how many innocent people are not allowed to protect themselves and their families from the evil in our world.


The State Press

No regulation is the best regulation

If we can’t count on the government to balance its own budget, how can we expect it to handle the complex budgets of investment banks? The best way to regulate the market is to not regulate it at all.


The State Press

Wall Street welfare, part I

The new financial regulation reform bill is the federal government’s new attempt at ending too-big-to-fail banks, but it will lead to endless bailouts paid for by the American taxpayer.


The State Press

Class of 2010 kisses real life ‘hello’

Some graduating seniors are more than ready and some are terrified to kiss their college years “goodbye.” Undoubtedly the reason for such paradoxical feelings is that they all know that with this anticipated farewell also comes the true test of character, kissing real life “hello.”


The State Press

Topless women shouldn’t be shunned

The law in many states protects women’s right to go topless. Unfortunately the social standards are different for this law and women still are not treated fairly when they choose to exercise their rights.


The State Press

POINT: Industry looks crude, refined in reality

The recent oil spill off Louisiana’s coast has devastated the local fishing industry, but it would be foolish for the state and the nation to turn their backs on offshore drilling due to the economic and social impact that the industry has on the state and the nation.


The State Press

Misguided generosity

Recent speed bumps encountered by the polio eradication effort spearheaded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation provides insight into other global health issues.


The State Press

What’s creating quakes?

After an Iranian cleric made a comment about women’s dress causing earthquakes, student Jennifer McCreight had her own thing to say. She started a “Boobquake” as a joke to disprove the accusations.




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