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The State Press

Editorial: A sobering tale

We don’t mean to say that fun equals bad or alcohol is the root of all evil, but how much spring break frivolity is worth your life? A good rule of thumb is not to gamble what you’re not willing to lose.


The State Press

Editorial: How we’d fill Mill

"Mill Avenue has been a historic hub of activity in downtown Tempe, attracting many ASU students, but that hasn’t prevented empty retail spaces from springing up on the street."


The State Press

Editorial: Noise, not reason

Karl Rove, former senior adviser and deputy chief of staff to former President George W. Bush, and Howard Dean, former governor of Vermont and former chairman of the Democratic National Committee, graced ASU with a politically charged debate Saturday.


The State Press

Boos and Bravos: March 5

Bravo to cool pilot technology. For those of you who dreamed of flying when you were little, consider checking out the Polytechnic campus.


The State Press

Editorial: ASU posts net gains

While ASU still has a long way to go to reach the level of those elite teams, both the men’s and women’s basketball programs have put their names on the map of Pac-10 powerhouses, in large part due to the class of seniors playing its final regular season games this weekend.


The State Press

Editorial: Texting your life away

It takes only a few seconds to send a text message. It takes a whole lot less than that to kill someone with your car. The Arizona Senate, for the second time, voted down a ban on texting while driving on state highways Tuesday.


The State Press

Editorial: Neither seen nor heard

"Do not believe that someone else will lead this fight. No one is responsible for representing you except for you. Don’t be afraid that your voice won’t be heard at this University."


The State Press

Editorial: On shaky ground

Just as the devastation in Haiti was fading — prematurely — from our minds, Chile and Japan both experienced high-registering earthquakes over the weekend. Are we so numb to disasters in our world that we watch for the video footage and not for the people?


The State Press

Boos & Bravos: Feb. 25

Bravo to the ASU men's basketball team's victory over UA. Boo to Girl Scouts. Yes, we want our Thin Mints fix, but isn’t noon on a weekday an odd time for 6-year-olds to be out hawking sugar-filled treats under the supervision of their mothers?


The State Press

Editorial: Downsize me

Hummer, the unnecessarily large, overly-destructive off-roading vehicle that is more often seen on suburban streets than rugged terrain, may have guzzled its last gallon.


The State Press

Editorial: Powered up

ASU announced a Carbon Neutrality Action Plan, which will lead the University down the path to cancel out its carbon footprint. It takes almost no effort to make an ecological impact and it will likely save you money in the short and long term.


The State Press

Editorial: Don't bash baseball

Calling what ASU does to opposing baseball teams “wins” and “blowouts” during the early portions of the season doesn’t quite do justice to just how dominating the baseball team is.


The State Press

Editorial: Asking too much

ASU has proposed a 5 percent tuition increase for current students, not to mention doubling the economic recovery surcharge to hit $1,025. Add those together and you’re looking at about a 13 percent jump in the cost to attend this University next year.




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