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The State Press

Letter: Death of humanities regrettable

Letter to the editor: "The gradual removal of the humanities from the University's locus of attention, discussion and funding is a terrifyingly clear reflection of the way our nation feels about education, its purposes and its sources of validity."


The State Press

Letter: U.S. troops fighting for nothing

Letter to the editor: "I am not angry at the U.S. troops that fought in this war, but as of now, I am angry and frustrated by the ignorance that pervades Washington, D.C., to continue, yet again, to put U.S. Troops in harm’s way for absolutely nothing!"


The State Press

Letters to the Editor: April 13

"What kind of leader looks at a situation in turmoil and says “let someone else deal with it?” That’s not leadership, that’s political gamesmanship. A true leader would be willing to step up, take charge and fix the situation."


The State Press

Letters: March 25

In response to Becky Rubenstrunk's March 8 column, “Advocates push anti-global warming message in schools." and to Maxfield Barker’s March 2 article, “PETA takes on ASU.”


The State Press

Letters to the Editor - March 10

(In response to Kyle Daly’s March 2 article, “Conservative shift boosts College Republicans.”) Kyle Daly’s recent article about a supposed national shift toward conservative values has little basis in reality.




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