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The State Press

Literally Speaking: "Autumn"

"The morns are meeker than they were,The nuts are getting brown;The berry's cheek is plumper,The rose is out of town.The maple wears a gayer scarf,The field a scarlet gown.Lest I should be old-fashioned,I'll put a trinket on.""Autumn," by Emily DickinsonA few days ago we had one of the coolest, sweetest days in the valley.


Photo courtesy of Lee Jaffe.

Eye Candy: "Jean-Michel Basquiat: The Radiant Child"

Opening to snippets of Jean-Michel Basquiat’s artwork and music, “Jean-Michel Basquiat: The Radiant Child” begins with Langston Hughes’ poem, “Genius Child.” Focusing on the misery and social seclusion faced by intellectual youth, the poem states that killing the individual, in order to free his potential, is the best option.


Courtesy of Vintage Publishing.

Newlin's 3 a.m. Diary: Uncertainties

I am the type of person who would pack up one day and spend six months exploring Madagascar, or Au Paring in Holland or go on a working holiday in Australia. I don’t like being in one place for very long.


The State Press

Beyond the Border: Feuding Values

Growing up in a family full of tradition dating back more than one hundred years is tough. My friends really didn't understand it when I told them that I can't be friends with them because of the way they speak or dress.


Photo courtesy of R.J. Price.

Eye Candy: Zombie Homecoming Q&A

This week I (figuratively) sat down with Downtown Phoenix Partnership (DPP) team member R.J. Price and asked him about the upcoming Zombie Homecoming and Zombie Walk.


Priced to Move, installation: digital drawings, Lucite tubes, LED lights, optical fiber, five15 Gallery, Phoenix, Arizona, 2013.

Eye Candy: Mary Shindell, Generation CSA

For artist Mary Shindell, drawings grow far past the two-dimensional paper she’s working with. They expand in all directions, sometimes towards her and sometimes sporadically all around the room.


The State Press

Literally Speaking: The Book Trade

I mosey past the check out counters and to the back of the store, where stacks of books wall in the person I plan to do business with - the trader. This is my type of acquisition. I put on my game face.




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