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The State Press

The Redskins predict it again

According to, the Washington Redskins have accurately predicted the presidential elections for every election in which they have been in existence.


The State Press

Voting: A Tall order

Yesterday was fun. It was Nov. 4th. I woke up at approximately 5:55 a.m., on three hours of sleep, to spend 1.5 hours waiting in line. Then I connected some meaningless arrows and got a sticker.


The State Press

Go the extra mile: Vote

Many Americans overcome seemingly insurmountable odds in order to vote. For one couple, that meant flying 9,300 miles halfway around the world to cast their ballots.


The State Press

Drunk e-mails be gone

Google is like that one friend you have; the one that has to be better than everyone else, has to get all up in your privacy and then store all your information in its huge database for the rest of et


The State Press

Neo-Nazis for Obama

What do Gen. Colin Powell and the leader of the American Nazi Party have in common? Both plan on voting for Obama this coming Tuesday.


The State Press

Editorial: Undercut

When anything goes wrong in life, the natural first reaction is for the person or persons involved to find where to point the blame.


The State Press

The truth about the Palin shopping spree

Why is it so shocking that about $150,000 has been spent on clothing for Sarah Palin and her family Anyone who seriously thinks that politicians are not willing to shell out a pretty penny to present


The State Press

Editorial: Paying up

When thoughts of increased tuition and/or fees pass through the mind of an average college student, the typical knee-jerk reaction involves cries of protest and a long string of expletives directed at




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