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The State Press

Know your Nobelists

Last week marked the announcement of this year’s Nobel prizes in medicine, physics, chemistry, literature and peace. Here's what you should know about this year's Nobelists.


The State Press

Crimes of the coyotes

Some illegal immigrants rely on human traffickers and drug cartels to get across the border, but a recent report found that this leads to crimes more horrific than illegal immigration.


The State Press

‘Eat, Pray, Love’ author writes more than ‘priv-lit’

Elizabeth Gilbert’s bestseller, “Eat, Pray, Love,” has recently come under the criticism of being “priv-lit,” or literature of the privileged. But books like Gilbert's provide an “affordable” opportunity to be transported to a different life through her writing and glean from them what we will.


The State Press

Scorching our future

Proposition 100, a temporary 1-cent-per-dollar sales tax increase meant to fund education and public safety, has fallen short. And our education will soon follow.


The State Press

Ghost of nation past

The syphilis and penicillin experiments performed in Guatemala in the 1940s are unfortunate, but the current generation is not responsible for them.


The State Press

Players in the green revolution

Going green might not be as hard as you think. Attending ASU is an unrecognized way to go green. The University is one of the leaders in the new green revolution.


The State Press

Tell-all society needs to think

Tyler Clementi’s tragic death should be a wake-up call to our web-obsessive cultures potential negative side. His roommate had the gall to stream Clementi because the online community unfortunately does little to discourage this type of practice.


The State Press

Why aren’t Latino voters angry?

Why aren’t Latino voters mad as hell? At least in Arizona, you’d think an immigration law so racially charged that it prompted the federal government to sue the state would get Latinos to show up on Election Day.


The State Press

Self-confidence as defense

Women are given mixed messages about how to defend themselves. Confidence is one of the best assets, and maybe there should be a focus on creating confident women, rather than women that can elbow an assailant’s pressure points.




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