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The State Press

Letters to the editor

Is he for real? (This letter is in response to the candidacy of Frank Schmuck for the Arizona House of Representatives.)


The State Press

Welcome to Planet ASU

For three summers, I have been flying home to Alaska at the end of spring semester, and for three falls, I have returned to Arizona State University to see an explosion of new buildings across the ter


The State Press

It's apparent to our parents

Around a week ago, ASU transformed from a stoic assortment of buildings and wanderers into a moving, vibrant, living thing as it does every year thanks to that awkward, confused and somehow high-minde


The State Press

Shades of sensuality

Some time ago, I was playing beer pong with a friend of mine. Over a triangular sea of red Solo cups, a meandering conversation ensued.


The State Press

Overhead and underground

As a student who works on campus year-round, I and a small number of other students, staff and faculty share the privilege of seeing ASU turn into a ghost town for several weeks per year, in the winte




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