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Learning curve

Students with children continue to balance classes and childcare as the coronavirus pandemic sends schools online. 


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The digital diet

A look into the history of the "freshman 15" and how current internet trends disqualify the famed weight gain.


The State Press

How to properly bicycle

Drivers must realize we don’t trust them and it is no one’s fault. It’s a part of life. I’d rather hold up traffic for a moment than assume the guy turning left into my lane saw me. Because at the end of the day we’re all trying to get home safe, so let's all be civil.


The State Press

Discovering musical compounds

Dating back to 2002, Gregg Gillis aka “Girl Talk”, has been compounding handfuls of tracks by various artists and turning them in to what became the mashup.


Two-wheeler theft

Even though bike theft continues to rise on campus, there is a possible off-campus solution.


The State Press

Cycling through

Arizona State University’s Cycling Club started in the 1990s and is open to students, faculty and staff.


Bike culture continues to thrive

Since the first moments of riding a bike, the concept of these two-wheeled contraptions have changed before society’s eyes. While they no longer serve as a quick means of transportation to the park down the street or for racing the neighborhood kids up the block, bikes play a prevalent role in everyone’s lives.




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