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The State Press

Letters to the Editor: April 13

"What kind of leader looks at a situation in turmoil and says “let someone else deal with it?” That’s not leadership, that’s political gamesmanship. A true leader would be willing to step up, take charge and fix the situation."


The State Press

A call to active giving

Many people make charitable donations, but most of the time it’s from the comfort of their computer rooms. It’s time to become more active givers.


The State Press

Evaluating hate crime statutes necessary

It is time we evaluate our current hate crime statutes. They serve an important role: to deter people from targeting members of groups that are already prone to an increased likelihood of attack. We are absolutely justified in attempting to protect people who need it.


The State Press

Letter to the editor: April 9

Controversial demonstration: In response to Joseph Schmidt’s April 7 article, “Replica wall on Tempe campus illustrates turmoil in West Bank.”


The State Press

Editorial: Playing games

But there’s no reason Scrabble should be the only classic board game modernizing itself. Here are some updates that might better reflect American society in everyone’s favorite board games.




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