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Campus Life

Police Brutality Protest on Mill Ave Bridges

On Monday, Sept. 26, 2016, organizer Rev. Jarrett Maupin along with roughly 100 protestors took part in 'Moral Monday', in which protestors marched in the middle of the street up and down both sides of the Mill Avenue bridges, up to University, and ended up at the Tempe jail. Three protestors were detained on charges of 'blocking city thoroughfares', including Rev. Maupin, and Calvin Hollins, Dalvin Hollins' father.


Brother Dean

Brother Dean arrested at UA

A controversial figure in Arizona, known for his “You Deserve Rape” campaign, was arrested Tuesday following an assault on a female University of Arizona student.


Portrait of Namratha Putta, second year Masters student in Computer Science, is vice-president of CIS at ASU, taken on Sept. 9, 2016. Putta came to ASU, from India, to gain a masters degree in computer science.

Around the World at ASU: India

ASU is home to an overwhelming amount of students from all different cultures, backgrounds and places, and one international student has found her home away from home at ASU where she helps other international students acclimate to the change.




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