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The State Press

Ad-ding it all up

Advertising is a multi-billion dollar industry in the United States, and innovative companies take into account the psychology of their target audience. What happens to consumer choice?


The State Press

Editorial: A sobering tale

We don’t mean to say that fun equals bad or alcohol is the root of all evil, but how much spring break frivolity is worth your life? A good rule of thumb is not to gamble what you’re not willing to lose.


The State Press

A growing trend of young men left behind

For Americans under 30, women measure higher in almost every aspect of psychological, professional and personal well-being than their male peers. What does this do to the notion of gender inequality?


The State Press

Why don’t we see the women?

Women’s basketball on the collegiate or professional level is almost an afterthought for many male sports fan because of this notion, sexist or not, that the girls simply can’t compete in the same way as the guys.


The State Press

Spring break goes thrifty

Domestic airfares are on the rise this spring break and increasing numbers are flying to Europe. Since not as many people are headed to typical beach sites this year, it’s time to get creative.


The State Press

Letters to the Editor - March 10

(In response to Kyle Daly’s March 2 article, “Conservative shift boosts College Republicans.”) Kyle Daly’s recent article about a supposed national shift toward conservative values has little basis in reality.


The State Press

Editorial: How we’d fill Mill

"Mill Avenue has been a historic hub of activity in downtown Tempe, attracting many ASU students, but that hasn’t prevented empty retail spaces from springing up on the street."


The State Press

Justice system lost in GPS

Rapist William French claimed a second victim after tearing off his GPS tracking device that the courts irresponsibly put on him after he broke his parole.


The State Press

The graduating senior’s lament

Applying for graduation at Arizona State University is a simple process: you press some buttons, fill out a survey and pay $50. But for what to many students is a monumental accomplishment, this impersonal, automated system leaves something to be desired.


The State Press

Letters to the Editor - March 9

Arizona’s unemployment rate remains at a high 9.1 percent and the state’s lawmakers should be commended for focusing on the creation of more entry-level jobs.


The State Press

Editorial: Noise, not reason

Karl Rove, former senior adviser and deputy chief of staff to former President George W. Bush, and Howard Dean, former governor of Vermont and former chairman of the Democratic National Committee, graced ASU with a politically charged debate Saturday.




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