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Popularizing Biophilia

Students, researchers and the general public engage with a century old collection of pinned insects in the lab and online. 


magheader La Prensa

La Serie Crisálida

Los estudiantes de la comunidad de ASU reflexionan sobre su crecimiento personal derivado del aislamiento durante la pandemia de coronavirus.



The Chrysalis Series

Students from the ASU community reflect on their personal growth stemming from isolation during the coronavirus pandemic.


conor-davis-mag-story la prensa

El Valiente

Conor Davis, del equipo de beisbol de ASU, paso adelante a pesar de haver sufrido un incidente


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El Diablo en los Detalles

Arizona anuncio un proceso para eliminar los cargos de marihuana, pero el camino hacia un historial limpio au fan presenta obstueculos.


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The curious life of Benjamin Bartelle

Benjamin Bartelle, an assistant professor at the School of Biological and Health Systems of Engineering, doesn't play by the rules of science or art but excels at both.




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