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The State Press

Music to help stay sharp for midterms

Ah, midterms. The halfway marker, allowing us to set our sights on the end of yet another semester. If this were a marathon, this would be the point where we hit "the wall" and push through, numb legs and all.


The State Press

Becoming Quasimoto

Get ready for a cosmic journey with Lord Quas in his third album “Yessir Whatever.” California based producer Madlib decided to rap over his beats one day, creating Quasimoto.


Barrett hits the slopes

In early February, ASU Downtown Barrett students got a chance to close their textbooks and relieve some stress on the ski slopes at Sunrise Ski Resort in Greer, Arizona.


The State Press

Midnight tracks

Everything is better at night, especially music. The moon is out, the breeze is blowing and the day is finally over.


My week with online dating

Online dating is a very attractive option for someone like me. I can let someone get to know me through my carefully worded messages before they meet the absolute weirdo I actually am. So, I wanted to see what the Internet world had in store for me. Because I’m cheap, I only downloaded the two free apps on my phone: Tinder and OKCupid.




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